There is constant barrage of Circulars & Notifications issued by various department of Government from time to time affecting the Real Estate Industry in a very big way. Frequently need arises to refer these Notifications & documents instantly. Attempts have been made by many individuals and also Associations to digitise these circulars, which is a very big step forward. However, even after getting an entire collection of circulars / notifications in scanned format, it is difficult to touch on the needed document for want of easy search mechanism. BDA’s Digital Library is a virtual depository of all the latest circulars, notices, Acts, Notifications, Court orders, etc. that are related to the Real Estate Industry for the benefit of its members. All documents in BDA’s Digital Library are laboriously tagged by our team with various key words to describe the contents and they are then classified based on departments that issue them and aspects that are covered within. Searching based on key words or department-wise or even on basis of dates, this entire volume of documents is now only a click of a button away! This feature is available exclusively for BDA members. Many such exclusive features will be added in due course. To access these exclusive features, members will have to login to the members’ section using their unique login id and password. BDA team has sent individual login details to all the active members and their registered users. In case you are a member and need assistance with login details, you may send an email to our registered mail id and our team will be glad to assist you. Happy Surfing and Learning! Login To Members Area
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